4 Tips for Recovering from Sport Injuries

Janie Bell


It feels like the world’s end when you’re hurt and have to take time off from doing what you love. However, with some care, you will recover from your injury. Use these tips for recovering faster from sports injuries, and you’ll be back on your feet before you know it!

Getting plenty of rest

You need to get plenty of rest if you want to recover from an injury. Rest means not doing anything that causes pain or discomfort. This doesn’t mean you can’t do anything; it just means avoiding activities that hurt while taking care of yourself in other ways.

For example, if your ankle is injured and swollen, don’t try running or jogging until it heals—but also, don’t sit around on the couch moping either! Instead, go for walks every day and start doing gentle exercises like yoga or Pilates to keep your muscles strong but let them rest simultaneously (this will also help prevent future injuries).

Ice, heat, and compress

Apply ice followed by heat. After an injury, it’s essential to reduce swelling and speed up healing. If you’re suffering an acute injury (one that occurs suddenly), apply ice for 15-20 minutes and then follow with heat for 15-20 minutes afterward.

Use a heating pad or hot water bottle on the injured area and hot showers or baths and wet towels heated in a microwave before applying them to the injured area. Hot compresses can be made using small washcloths soaked in hot water and wrung out, placed over your injury for 30 minutes throughout the day until it feels better (don’t forget about your heart!). If none of these options sound appealing, consider getting yourself one of those super soft microwavable heating pads—they come in all different shapes!

Get moving

One of the best ways to recover from a muscle or joint injury is to move as soon as possible. When you exercise, blood flow increases, and more oxygen is delivered to the injured site. This helps your muscles heal faster, which means less time off work and more quality time with friends and family!

But before you start doing any exercises, make sure they are safe for your body. Talk to a doctor or physiotherapist first so that they can help you find an exercise that works best for you.

Go to a physical therapist

If you are injured, physical therapy might be the best step. A physical therapist can help you recover from your injury and will also help you find the right exercises for your injury.

Physical therapists have many years of education and experience in helping people recover from injuries. They are trained to evaluate the movement and function of muscles, tendons, and joints so that they can prescribe specific treatment programs tailored to each patient’s needs. Alternatively, you can check out a service similar to Heaven & Earth (heavenandearthmassage.co.uk), as they can give you the support you need to recover from injuries.


You may be tempted to return before your body is ready. Understandably, you want to get back on the track, field, or even the gym, but this can lead to further injuries and setbacks in the recovery process. If you find yourself suffering from an injury, it’s important that you follow these steps to make sure your body is truly ready for whatever sport or activity you wish to pursue.

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